Some people seem to think I may be the Chinese Elvis from Ruislip – BUT I AM NOT! I am happy to post this link to that place and give them free referrals, simply because if you want him, you certainly don’t want me and there is no competition between us!
However, I am quite jealous of my reputation and I feel it may be being tarnished by this association.
The acts are different, the experience is different and the costs are different. Even when I sing at a restaurant (which is Chinese Elvis Ruislip’s area of expertise) the gigs are different. Come to one of mine at Phoenix Palace and get an idea of what I do. It is different to what Ruislip does, even though you might have thought that being both Chinese and Elvis, these fundamentals would have made the two acts likely to be similar. There is no similarity after that.

To be clear – Ruislip is nothing to do with me and I have NEVER been anywhere near Ruislip nor have I ever sung at this Tao Peking Restaurant!
To clarify:
- I am ChineseElvis, who has played at Latitude Festival, appeared on TV / radio worldwide, performed in three continents including a big gig for Coca Cola in Atlanta (Coke’s home) and won the Elvis Weakest Link Special. I have sang for Sir Bob, Kylie, Sting, and a host of other celebrities who actually have surnames; I was the Elvis, who fronted an AOL advertising campaign for 2 years on TV, posters, newspapers and internet; I am the one who has performed at over 100 wedding receptions in front of wild animals at Twycross Zoo, turned down Elton John’s party and have sang at countless corporate parties (including the world record biggest ever one day event – Vodafone’s staff event at Newbury Racecourse); I fronted the 2015 Chinatown Family Day celebrations in London’s Chinatown.
- He is the one, who has performed at the Tao Peking Restaurant in Ruislip.
The Chinese Elvis at Tao Peking in Ruislip probably has not wilfully misled unsuspecting members of the public into thinking he is me. It is all probably a gross misunderstanding / a language issue or a genuine confusion on the part of the audience members who believe that is what he has said – but to clarify: